$333.00 USD

The Crystal Singing Bowl Bootcamp

Learn exactly what you NEED to know about Crystal Singing Bowls!

In this online training, you will gain exclusive access to:

  1. Comprehensive Instruction: The secrets of how to pick, choose and play crystal singing bowls like a pro with expert guidance from Master Sound Healer, Jazmine Amelia.

  2. Learn At Your Own Pace: Learn practical techniques and exercises to master playing crystal singing bowls with confidence and skill.

  3. Holistic Healing Tools: Discover how to harness the harmonizing vibrations of crystal bowls to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being in yourself and others.

If you've got

  • Issues with selecting and combining your current (or future) crystal singing bowls
  • A dilemma about techniques for playing to sound like a true sound healing professional
  • Are at all self-conscious while playing sound bowls and want someone (me) to give you a sound bath session template to follow
  • A real gap between playing the bowls for friends/family and getting paid as a sound healer
Then be quick like a bunny and sign up today!
I can't wait to help you feel confident and inspired as you tap into the vibrational frequencies of crystal bowls and take your playing skills to the next level! 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to have over 10 years of Jazmine's learning experience in your back pocket. Enroll now and embark on an expertly guided journey of sonic exploration and self-discovery! 🌌✨

Disclaimer: Access to the Crystal Singing Bowl Bootcamp requires a one-time purchase. Additional materials or equipment may be required for optimal participation (ie. purchasing your very own crystal singing bowls). 🎢🌟

What People Are Saying:

Jazmine is so great! & knowledgable. Her confidence & passion really shine throughout her teachings & practice. It really shows the dedication, time & heart she puts into her teachings.


This class was amazing and educational. I have been doing it myself and I didn't know I was doing it all wrong. Learning about the notes and different bowls makes a huge difference in playing and this class with Jazmine was so much fun, I'm excited to learn more!


This workshop exceeded my expectations! Jazmine's ability to explain everything in an easy to understand manor is outstanding!
